Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Now that I have learned my way around this little bike the more I like it.
The engineering throughout is much better than the Japanese bikes of the stamped steel frame era.

I was very lucky as all the case screws came out easy, and other than a little sludge the engine was clean and unmolested.

The points cam is not pinned or keyed so you set the timing by locking the crankshaft with a pin through a hole in the crankcase. then you set the points to basically 0 lash, then fine tune the gap. This seems like a hard way to do it but soon its easy!

I can't suggest a lift table too much for the motorcycle tech or even a avid tinkerer! its so much better to work on something when its up off the floor, you can wee better and work longer without getting sore. I have had a few motorcycle lifts and there nice but when not in use harder to store and not good for much else. a lift table works great for moving anything heavy like those 4 cases of wine or a large plant.

Sometime in its past this bike's gas tank crossovers got modified to a 10 X 1.5 tread with strait hose nipples, this made the hose go too close to the cylinder head. I didn't find banjo bolts that tread pitch so I made them myself! I have done this before and knew to buy a few new drill bits and file a flat spot where the banjo fitting would fall after the compression gasket was installed so the side hole would be easy to drill.

Not exactly correct but I think it will work much better than what it was when I started on it.
More to come 

The brake light switch is simple to adjust and robust.

This shot is of the left side foot peg mount that doubles as a muffler support, love that german engineering!

Even the way the drive cushion is made and the way the left side rear axle shaft is supported 
is better than most British bikes.

Look at the way the chain adjuster works, the pusher bolt doesn't attach to the axle support. 
Just the way it is mounted to the swing arm is labor intensive.
All the factory nuts and bolts are of high quality, the foot pegs are made from hight quality stainless steel.

I have ordered better looking stock mufflers with the baffles from Ebay, the ones on the bike have no baffles and are rusty!

I found one of the Puch intake silencers that looks like a rocket or zeppelin from Ebay of Austria along with the impossible to find correct front fender and a nicer looking generator cover!

I really enjoy finding parts for my projects and this one is teaching me new tricks and I am finding new suppliers often. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

When I saw this old bike for sale I instantly liked the way it looked, it seemed to flow and had balance.

I have what was once described as a ' unusual attraction to motorcycles' by a girl I once knew briefly. She said this as she entered my small apartment in a Southern California beach community.

See how the carburetor mounts directly to the left side of the cylinder?
I had read about a "tingle" before but had not really thought about what it really is, in a mechanical sense. The thought of 2 cylinders sharing a combustion chamber in a 2 cycle engine seems like a silly idea. But given the limitations of the day makes it a a good alternative to valves, camshafts,springs and chains. And if that wasn't enough of a divergence from the normal american motorcycle norm lets add a interesting crankshaft and connecting rod arrangement.

     I took the pillion (passenger) seat off because I think it looks better, and it crowded my backside!

                                                            I still need a frender!

More to come!